Category: Adventures

thunderstorms, tiny life, & time away from time

photo creds: my friend Ian

When the rain started pouring down, I didn’t make any move to find cover. We had just returned from a sweltering, dusty, who-knows-how-many-miles-long hike through the Sierra Nevada mountains, so the brisk thunderstorm was a welcome surprise.

Our intern cohort (plus several advisors) had scaled slopes through a charred forest in search of the vast meadows we knew to be at just a slightly higher elevation. The forest had undergone a controlled burn in an attempt to protect and restore biodiversity—as fire clears long-dead organic matter, it creates room for new life to recycle those materials into their own success. As the burn flickers on, the older, larger trees continue thriving and supporting other life, from their roots to their canopies.

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montreal + boston, summer 2019

here is a (very delayed) haphazard compilation of videos/photos from when my mom & I traveled to montreal and boston earlier this summer

onward, 2018


A couple days late on this tangible reflection, but that’s okay. New Year’s posts are some of my favorites to write just because they give me a great excuse to go down the nostalgia rabbit-hole that is this blog.

Following up on last year, here’s what I did and what I’ll do (+ some bonus 2018 pictures). Continue reading

Visiting Taiwan // Pt. 2: Taipei

Visiting Taiwan // Pt. 1: Tainan


My friend Stephanie is currently across the ocean. Since August, she’s been living in Tainan, Taiwan and taking classes at a university there. A couple months ago, my other friend Isha and I made the snap decision to buy the cheapest round trip plane tickets we could find to Taiwan and back.

Stephanie, Isha, and I have been an inseparable bunch since our senior year of high school; last summer, when Isha started classes, Steph and I paid her a visit at her school across the bridge from us right after she moved in. Since my quarter system school starts later than semester schools, I also adventured up to Portland to visit Steph, where she attends college. This past spring, the two of them stayed with me for a few days down in San Diego. We went from train rides across the Bay Area to flights across the Pacific Ocean, and I couldn’t be more grateful. Here are some snapshots from the first part of the visit, when we stayed in Tainan. Stay tuned for more coming from our time in Taipei. Continue reading

Time Travel: thoughts from my East Coast visit


I stepped out of the airport to a blast of heat, inwardly grumbling at the prospect of quickly becoming drenched in sweat as I lugged my bags toward the car. However, as the week went on, I quickly found myself adjusting to the heavy, humid air as my cousin and I roamed the streets of DC and New York City.

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A week by the ocean: Pacific Coast Highway roadtrip

Twin Peaks, San Francisco

During the recent holiday, two of my cousins and I drove from San Diego up to San Francisco along Highway 1, which runs along the beautiful California coast. Here’s how it went.

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